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BW Wolf Cabin

The cabin and black smith shop sits right behind the two story Jocob Wolf House across the river from where we were staying which puts it on a hillside overlooking the juncture of the White and North Fork Rivers in the present-day town of Norfork, Arkansas. It was constructed in 1829 and was the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory and is the oldest public structure in Arkansas. This place is connected to a lot of history in the area.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Places of Interest
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Arkansas, Historic Places, Historic Site, Museum, black smith shop, courthouse, dogtrot cabin, dogtrot structure, historic building, log cabin, norfork, arkansas, territorial courthouse

BW Wolf Cabin

BW Wolf Cabin

The cabin and black smith shop sits right behind the two story Jocob Wolf House across the river from where we were staying which puts it on a hillside overlooking the juncture of the White and North Fork Rivers in the present-day town of Norfork, Arkansas. It was constructed in 1829 and was the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory and is the oldest public structure in Arkansas. This place is connected to a lot of history in the area.