Hokey Pokey Magic

April 05, 2012  •  2 Comments

No matter how hard you try some times that magical light never appears.  When you're on vacation and the weather is blah what do you do about pics?  I still go out and shoot unless it's just pouring down rain then I come home to see what I have.  The weather isn't always going to cooperate with you all the time especially when you only have so much time to get it.  Some of these places that hubby and I go to so that I can shoot isn't always easy to get to and takes time to get there on 4 wheel drive roads.  We are not into traveling them in the dark hrs.

It was a nasty day off and on when we drove down this county rd 7 near Ridgeway, Colorado.  It was our last day in the area we were moving on to Arizona the next day.  I wanted the shot of the Sneffles Range and with the light I had;  it was just blah.  I took it anyways because I loved the stormy clouds above them, but you can tell by the pic below it was just a flat blah day.  This photo is straight out of the camera.

I've kept this shot hoping I could work a little hokey pokey Photoshop magic on it (yes I'm one of those photographers) to bring it to live.  Well I think I have finally got it the way I want it.  I think it's going to look real nice printed up on canvas on my wall!

To view: Stormy Sneffles Range you can find it in my "Out West Gallery" http://www.shutterbyme.com/p21595527 and my FineArtAmerica Gallery: http://lana-trussell.artistwebsites.com/featured/stormy-sneffles-range-lana-trussell.html


Thanks Reny! I know I'm in count down mode right now! Can't wait!
I love how you played your hokey pokey Photoshop magic on this shot Lana. It is awesome!
Can't wait to go to Colorado and see all those amazing places and beautiful mountains.
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